Bootcamp: Latest Presales Technique

After it generates a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL), Marketing hands over a case to Sales to take it to closure. In software product selling, one of the first things that…

Innovation Is Not Invention

Innovation is not Invention. Invention is a new thing. Innovation is a new way of doing an existing thing that amplifies impact through broader reach. Let me cite a few…

Price Primer

Price is one of the 4Ps of marketing: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. I've covered pricing methods here and here, and pricing paradoxes here and here. This post is about…

Make (Index) In India

India has 800 million Internet users. Fiji has 0.8 million Internet users. Still the latest global digitalization index ranks India below Fiji because 70% of Fiji nationals have access to…

Future Of Media

In Why Media Can’t Be Neutral, I speculated many reasons why media will inevitably exhibit bias. While the common man or woman (henceforth J6P) might agree with those reasons, I don't…