Pune Metro Third Impressions

I described ticketing problems with Pune Metro in my previous posts titled Pune Metro First Impressions and Pune Metro Second Impressions. I experienced another ticketing snafu on my third trip.…

My Two Cents On PayTM Kerfuffle

PayTM is the first digital payment product I've used at scale in India. When RBI enforced the two factor authentication mandate for online payments, bill payments became a major PITA.…

Power Of Branding In B2B

According to the popular narrative, branding is needed only in B2C. That's not true. Branding plays an equally important role for B2B products and services. For the purpose of this…

How To Resolve Pricing Paradoxes

In Five Pricing Paradoxes, we covered many pricing paradoxes and speculated on why they happen. In this post, we will examine if and how they need to be fixed. Is There…

Five Pricing Paradoxes

According to common wisdom, middleman adds a margin, so his price will be higher than the original manufacturer's price. https://twitter.com/dharmeshba/status/1740013829101412495 Given that it has become common wisdom, this belief must…

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings & Best Wishes for a Happy New Year! Welcome back to GTM360 Blog. We published 49 posts last year. The Top 10 posts in 2023 were: #10. Unpacking “Embedded Finance”…

Why ChatGPT Won’t Kill Coders

In Will ChatGPT Kill Coders?, we examined many demand suppressors that threatened to kill coders' jobs. We also alluded to DEMAND STIMULANTS, which work as counterweights by boosting demand for…

CBDC – Utopia or Dystopia?

Central Bank Digital Currency is digital cash. Like paper currency notes, it's issued by the central bank and does not bear interest. Also, like paper currency notes, it's legal tender.…