Save Money By Using Credit Cards!

A few months ago, I'd posted a blog about why credit cards don't necessarily lead to overspending. Now, forget overspending: the recently launched Offermatic promises that you can actually save -…

Changes In Tirumala-Tirupati

I recently visited Tirumala and Tirupati after four years, on a pilgrimage to the famous Balaji Temple. I noticed several changes from my last visit. Most - though not all…

GTM360 Turns One

GTM360 turns one. A year ago, I founded GTM360 Marketing Solutions with the mission to enable high-tech companies derive incremental value from their existing ideas, products and capabilities. In the year that's…

Saviors Or Villains – Part 2

A couple of months ago, I'd written about the controversial subject of overdraft protection in my post called Saviors Or Villains? On the back of the increasing realization that banks…