“GlobalExtreming” – Not Global Warming – Is The Real Problem

glext01Pune in India has become a lot warmer over the years. As recently as seven years ago when I moved in here, it used to be really hot only for 2-3 months in a year during April-May-June. Even during those months, it used to be quite pleasant during evenings. Gone are those days. In the last three years, it has started becoming hot as early as February and it stays warm until July-August. It doesn’t cool down even as late as 11 o’clock in the night during these months. People in Pune won’t have any problems agreeing with the notion of global warming.

On the other hand, there was hardly any summer worth talking about during my last two years in London couple of years ago. Friends in New York and New Jersey area complain of excessive cold this winter. My sister says Norfolk, the town in Virginia where she lives, hasn’t seen so much snow in decades. If you talk about “global warming” with any of these folks, they’re bound to think you’ve lost it.

Is ‘global warming’ for real? Or is it a con pulled by fear-mongering environmentalists?

I think what’s really happening is a pronounced shift of climate to the extremes. Places known to be slightly cold are turning very cold whereas those generally considered warm are becoming very warm.

I’m not sure if this is what the proponents of ‘global warming’ really mean, but the term is definitely a misnomer.

How about GlobalExtreming? I think it captures the globe’s real climate problem far more accurately.


I believe it’s the coldest Thanksgiving on record in certain parts of the US East Coast.

This reinforces the “Global Extreming, not Global Warming, is the real climate problem” theory.

Since this is not the first time this is happening, I humbly submit that I’m not confusing weather for climate.


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