A CAPTCHA A Day Keeps Customers Away

It wasn't very long ago that I'd extolled the virtues of reCAPTCHAs and had introduced them in this blog to make it easy for people to leave behind comments without…

GTM360 Launches SAP Mailing List v2

Around three months ago, we launched our SAP MAILING LIST product which then contained around 3,500 contacts of SAP customers and partners. Apart from fielding inquiries from several prospective customers, we derived a…

Regulation Can Prevent The Last Crisis

Lately, there has been a lot of buzz around how Reserve Bank of India, Bank of China and other banking industry regulators in the emerging world saved their respective economies…

How Banks Can Differentiate Beyond Products

In a recent comment on a Finextra post (http://www.finextra.com/community/fullblog.aspx?id=4490), Madelie von Ludwig ( http://www.finextra.com/community/profile.aspx?memberid=51569) of Nedbank, Johannesburg wrote that banking products "are becoming a commodity and differentiation has to take…