Developing The Product Mindset

India has done very well for itself as an IT services destination. In less than two decades, it has reached the #1 spot in the global IT services outsourcing league…

EBA myBank Will Be A Hit

EBA Clearing has outlined plans to launch a pan-European electronic payments service for online shopping, enabling buyers and sellers to complete transactions through their e-banking portals. A couple of days…

Why Innovate?

There's no shortage of blogs, articles and books written by pundits offering advice to executives on how to nurture innovation within their companies. Take, for example, this recent post on Finextra.…

Creating The “Network Glue”

After trying and failing to locate a trusted plumber, electrician and handyman via yellow pages and other directory services, I recently came across GigPark. Its promise to leverage my social…

UX Is Lot More Than Eye Candy

Although the website has a contemporary look-and-feel, I got a bit perplexed when I saw a page ( full of forms to be downloaded and snail-mailed to the given address.…

Is It Adios To PayPal From India?

From the time they restarted in India last year after being shut down for export payments for a couple of months, it appears that PayPal needs to follow tighter KYC…