Tradeshow SAAS Provider Digs Into The Trenches

Here's our latest success story: Tradeshow SAAS Provider Digs Into The Trenches Product management inputs enrich product Coming from the advertising industry, the founders of this startup were deeply exposed…

Why Do People Lie With Charts?

In Three Ways To Lie With Charts, we saw the following tactics: Slippery Slope Slide Floating Origin Fraud Dual Axis Deception The most common reason for people to lie with charts…

Three Ways To Lie With Charts

Lying with charts is the natural progression from Lying With Big Data and Pixie Dust Sampling – Or How To Commit Harakiri By Lying With Big Data. I have come across…

Gayatri Wins AGI Poster Contest!

I'm happy to inform that my daughter, Gayatri Ketharaman, won the Grand Prize in the Alliance Graphique Internationale Poster Contest for her following work. For the uninitiated, Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) is…

Season’s Greetings!

Season’s Greetings & Best Wishes for a Happy New Year! Welcome back to GTM360 Blog! Great to have you!! In this first post of 2019 on GTM360 Blog, we list…