Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings & Best Wishes for a Happy New Year! Welcome back to GTM360 Blog. We published 47 posts last year. The Top 10 posts in 2022 were: #10. Teardown Of Web3…

28 Versus 30 Days Plans Of TELCOs

This post is a slightly edited version of my answer to the following Quora question: In coming up with plans with 28 days' validity, I'm guessing TELCOs have been inspired…

Excel Number Line For Normies

In Global Pricing Tracks PPP, Not PCI, we took the examples of three mainstream products and showed that multicountry prices track Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), not Per Capita Income (PCI).…

Three Strike Rule To Eliminate Cybercrime

In his ET WEALTH column entitled If it seems too good to be true, it probably is, Dhirendra Kumar describes the following asymmetry between victims and perpetrators of cybercrime: Individual…