A few months ago, I'd written about being left in the broadband slowlane in London / UK (click here to read this post). At long last, there seems to be…
Residents of London would've surely noticed the recent spate of ads by CapitalOne in local newspapers, bus shelters and on the Internet promising a one minute response to your application…
For many people, choice may be its own reward, but as I pointed out in my blog post "Cost of Choice" (click here to read this post), the choice offered…
I wish readers of Talk of Many Things a Happy New Year 2008. Thanks to the scores of readers who wrote back with comments (bouquets and brickbats) through 2007 -…
The recent Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing of MaxJet re-ignites discussions over the value proposition of business class travel in general and of business-class-only airlines in particular. Any discussion over value…
There's so much news reported these days about investments being made in western companies, especially financial institutions, by sovereign funds from China, Singapore and the Middle East. Recent examples include…
To use a well-worn cliche, the Internet has changed everything. Especially shopping. Nowadays, whenever you set out to buy something, there're so many choices, there's so much information available and…
I recently received a circular to the following effect from my bank in the UK. While the main message of the circular was that the bank was now adding a…
Here's one on cultural differences, a topic I'd promised to cover while launching Talk of Many Things (read the introductory post here) but one to which I haven't done much…
In a previous blog post, I had described a few Web 2.0 financial applications that were already operational at the time. I recently attended the re-launch party of TechCrunchUK in…