Innovations At A Click-And-Mortar Library

I've traditionally been buying books regularly to feed my self-admittedly voracious reading habit. A few months ago, I started running into a severe space crunch in my bookshelf and therefore…

Goodbye SEO, Welcome SDO

In the first part of this post titled Does Google Find Something Different About You?, we'd covered the 'Something different' section of Google search results that contains links showing some…

Usability Can Cut Costs

Usability is generally associated with benefits like reduced friction, superior UX and greater cross-selling for e-commerce providers. Click here to read a couple of my articles and blog posts about usability…

Developing The Product Mindset

India has done very well for itself as an IT services destination. In less than two decades, it has reached the #1 spot in the global IT services outsourcing league…

EBA myBank Will Be A Hit

EBA Clearing has outlined plans to launch a pan-European electronic payments service for online shopping, enabling buyers and sellers to complete transactions through their e-banking portals. A couple of days…