Whose Customer Am I?

I read the following question on Quora recently: You buy a pen from a store. Then, are you a customer of that store or pen manufacturing company? Normally, my answers…

Perils Of Blind Retargeting

Since the time I published Retargeted Ads or Retarded Ads, I've come across many more retargeted ads exhibiting retarded behavior. Take for example the ones from Cleartrip. Well after I'd…

Scoping Can Make Or Break A Deal

Whenever they're asked to sweeten a deal, most vendors respond with a discount. They don't have to. In Five Ways To Sweeten A Deal – Apart From Discount, we gave…

Publix Deserves A Standing Ovation

You generally give standing ovations to speeches, concerts and other live events. On one occasion, I literally stood up and clapped after reading a book (it was "Gods of Guilt" by…

How To Really Kill Cash

They said cash is costly. It didn't work with merchants. They launched one mobile wallet after the other to drive cashless behavior. It didn't work with consumers. They scared people…