NFC contactless credit cards and debit cards are less safe (compared to non-NFC cards). They can be sniffed – and charged – by an NFC POS terminal without the knowledge of the cardholder. They don’t require PIN – or any authenticating information – for transactions sizes below a certain threshold, so if you lose your contactless credit or debit card, anyone who gets it can go on a shopping spree at your cost.

But it’s extremely frictionless to use NFC credit and debit cards. Arguably, NFC card is even more convenient than cash. By taking the payment journey to the next level of convenience, contactless cards are expected to shift a lot of small value instore cash payments to cashless.

Personally, I like and use contactless credit cards whenever possible. I also hate contactless debit cards. I have removed them from my wallet and now take them out of home only I visit an ATM to withdraw cash.

You can find a more detailed answer on this topic at:

Why do many countries don’t require to enter PIN to verify a credit card transaction? Is the safety comprised?