Does CRED sell your data?*

When it launched, CRED users didn’t see ads.

I abandoned CRED midway thru’ the onboarding journey so I don’t know if CRED users are being served ads now.

Even if they are – today or sometime in the future – it does not necessarily mean that CRED is selling their data.

What it means is that CRED is selling ads to brands and is running them off of your credit card transaction data that remains with itself. In the industry parlance, these ads are called TransPromos or Targeted Ads.

Just like, if you see a CREST ad on your Facebook Timeline, it doesn’t mean that Facebook Inc. has sold your personal info to P&G Inc.

You can find more on this topic at


*: This is the original question I answered. I’m repeating it to help me make sense of my answer in case it’s moved to / merged with some other question that I didn’t answer.