LinkedIn Post:

I don’t know, why Management is taught? Its all about Google form survey, Presentation, Pie Diagram and Unbounded J-Curve Charts. Management is not a “subject” to be taught. I wish to address it as … Management is actually a way of life. The power of influence to task to be done. Ever saw a child, how one influence parents to buy candy. One can Learn from experiences and mistakes. ( Hit and try theory ) All Possible Test Cases and Use Cases of all theories can be found in Job Market. ….. Giridhar Boddeda? I am about to Engineer soon. I don’t know, why Management is taught? Wish to know your views in Comments…

My Comment:

Disagree. Like Science, Engineering, Medicine and many other disciplines, Management can and should be taught in a structured manner like college. While experience and learning on the job do matter a lot in Management, the same is true in virtually every other discipline. According to one school of thought, people wonder, why pay $$$$$ to get a college degree to acquire questionable knowledge and skills, why not get into a job and learn only the knowledge and skills required to perform the job. The problem with that approach is, when faced with a problem for which they have no solution, many employees who are not used to structured learning don’t know what knowledge to acquire and how to acquire it in a structured manner. Instead, they use whatever existing knowledge they have to implement low grade solutions aka jugaad. As a result, the solution is limited by their pre-existing knowledge. While that approach is perfectly okay as a reaction to a crisis, it does not help in proactively starting from a blank slate and creating a world class product. For that you need structured learning. For every college dropout like Steve Jobs, there are 100s of college graduates who have created world class products.

My Comment:

I found out about Quick Launch Panel on PayTM app via “On the Job Learning”. But that was after using the app for +5 years & entirely by fluke. If only there was “Classroom Learning” in the beginning, I’d have learned this feature long ago & saved a lot of time all these years.