Which one is best, Google Pay, Paytm, PhonePe, BHIM, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, etc.?*

Credit Card is my go-to Method of Payment.

But I do use UPI occassionally.

My go-to bill payment app is HDFC Bank PayZapp, where I pay with credit card on file. When PayZapp launched UPI, I had problems with onboarding it.

I’ve used PayTM in the Credit Card + Wallet Topup mode. It has the best UX of all payment apps that I have used. However, I have a trust deficit with PayTM and have not onboarded UPI since it directly touches my bank account.

I tried Google Pay but I didn’t like its UX. In fact, I’d written an answer on Quora about 4–5 advantages of PayTM over Google Pay a couple of years ago but, for reasons that were unfathomable to me at the time, Quora deleted my answer.

“Best” is subjective but, if you want my personal opinion, after trying out various UPI apps, I finally settled on Walmart PhonePe.

Market Share is not exactly an indicator of “best” but it’s at least an objective measure. By that metric, the top payment apps in India are Walmart PhonePe, Google Pay and PayTM. When I last checked, they had a combined market share of nearly 95%.

*: This is the original question I answered. I’m repeating it to help me make sense of my answer in case it’s moved to / merged with some other question that I didn’t answer.