How CX Drives Sales

In this day and age of Amazons and Flipkarts, it shouldn't take much for a business to appreciate the importance of customer experience. Nevertheless, when we recommend certain features to…

Big Pharma Turns To CEM For Cure

Medical representatives sell prescription drugs by detailing doctors and canvassing drugstores. They do not contact patients who actually consume the medicines. This makes sense because, in the pharma industry, patients…

How To Make Co-Creation Work?

It's over a decade since the late C K Prahalad and Venkat Ramaswamy wrote their seminal book The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value With Customers. During this period, users have…

Right And Wrong Ways Of Using Case Studies

All business development teams understand the importance of case studies in B2B technology sales. But, when it comes to producing and using them, we've come across two diametrically opposite approaches followed…