6 x 3 Rule For Surviving Content Deluge

With so much buzz around Content Marketing, content deluge is the new "information overload". From "helpful" guides to outright sales pitches to several things in between, I get hit by…

Secret Of Survival Of Bank Branches

From personal experience and anecdotal evidence, there's no question that retail banking customers are increasingly moving to digital channels to conduct everyday banking transactions like balance inquiry, statement download, and…

Banks Have Nothing To Fear From Neobanks

According to the Economic Times article Brokerages’ Retail Pain Is Banks' Gain, banks have stolen a march over neobanks in the e-brokerage space in India. Cheaper access to funds and…

3 Ways To Find Hidden Pain Areas

There's a growing realization among B2B technology marketers that positioning their products and services around technology is a fool's errand. Even compared to a year or two ago, there's a…

Going From Card To COD

I've been buying stuff online since circa 1998 but a few recent events have taken the edge off my enthusiasm for ecommerce: Driven by VCs braying for profits, many Indian…

How To Lie With Big Data

Darrell Huff's classic How To Lie With Statistics is as relevant now as it was when it was published 60 years ago. In fact, it's perhaps more relevant now because, as…