From: Ketharaman Swaminathan []
Sent: Tuesday, 4 July 2023 4:00 PM
Subject: Get A Grip On Graft | Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor of Economic Times:

This has reference to the above mentioned article by Anjana Menon in today’s edition of Economic Times.

By listing out luxury gifts, sexual gratification, etc., the author has portrayed the various forms of private sector corruption accurately.

However, I’m not so sure if their prescription for remedying the problem is realistic. While I’m no lawyer, as far as I know, punitive damages is not permitted under Indian / Commonwealth Law. In other words, the fine cannot exceed the value of the damage. Therefore, the author’s proposal to peg a monetary disincentive at several times the worth of the bribe is likely to be struck down in a court of law.

My suggestion would be to disgorge the ill-gotten gains and publicly name and shame the culprit. The loss of the money coupled with the massive social shame caused by the action might deter many – if not most – people from indulging in graft.

Thanks and Regards.